
Professional services


  • Media releases

  • Blog posts

  • Newsletters

  • Brochures

  • Video and audio scripts

  • Profiles

  • Columns

  • Speeches

Proof reading and copy editing

I go through your copy carefully, looking for

  • Consistency of delivery and style

  • Logical structure and flow of ideas

  • Sense/ambiguity

  • Correct grammar and punctuation

  • Spelling

  • Layout – how it looks on the page



Fiction Writing Workshops

Half- or full-day work shops that cover

  • Aspects of story

  • Writing styles

  • Character development

  • Plot and narrative

  • Show, don’t tell

  • Dialogue

Non-fiction writing

Half- or full-day workshops for people who want to communicate their messages more effectively. They cover

  • Different ways to communicate your ideas or stories

  • Promotional copy

  • Communications plans

  • Feature writing

  • Creative non-fiction

If you see what you’re looking for, or have any questions, please get in touch.